The population length bins in Stock Synthesis structure size data and empirical weight-at-age data. change_pop_bin changes the data file to contain specifications to create a vector (length-bin method of 2) rather than the actual bins from the length data (length-bin method of 1) or an actual vector (length-bin method of 3).

  binwidth = NULL,
  minimum_size = NULL,
  maximum_size = NULL,
  maximum_age = NULL



A Stock Synthesis data list object as read in from SS_readdat. Be sure to correctly specify which section of the data file you want to work with when reading it in using the section argument. Where, section = 1 reads in the input values used to run the model and section = 2 reads in the expected values generated given all the input to the OM. section = 3 is not used within ss3sim, but this section provides bootstrapped data sets that have been sampled internally within SS.


A numeric value specifying the width of the size bins.


The smallest size bin.


The largest size bin.


The highest age. Used to structure the maximum age of the population and the ageing-error matrix, which will be assumed to have no bias and maximum precision for any added ages.


A modified Stock Synthesis data file in list form. The list is only returned if it is assigned to an object.


The only required argument is dat_list and the remaining arguments default to a value of NULL, which leads to the data file not being changed.