Keep all of the data in the model but change the years that are estimated in the model. First year of the model will be first year of non-zero catch. Main recruitment period starts 1/2 generation time before first year of compositional data included in the model. Late recruitment is the last year of the model by default and cannot be modified using this function, neither can early recruitment, which starts in year 1.

change_year(dat_list, ctl_list)



A Stock Synthesis data list object as read in from SS_readdat. Be sure to correctly specify which section of the data file you want to work with when reading it in using the section argument. Where, section = 1 reads in the input values used to run the model and section = 2 reads in the expected values generated given all the input to the OM. section = 3 is not used within ss3sim, but this section provides bootstrapped data sets that have been sampled internally within SS.


A control file read in by SS_readctl.