Calculate the length of all input arguments to see if they are equal. Entries that are NULL, and thus, have a length of zero are ignored. An optional trigger to stop() is provided with a tailored error message.

check_eqlength(..., keepgoing = FALSE)



Input arguments of unknown length.


A logical value specifying if the function should continue or terminate upon finding input arguments of non-equal length. The default, FALSE, produces an error and terminates the function.


TRUE or FALSE depending on the result of the test. Nothing is returned if the stop function is invoked.


Kelli F. Johnson


# \dontshow{
  regex = "At least",
  label = "check_eqlength didn't error with zero input args"
testthat::expect_error(ss3sim:::check_eqlength(yes = 1:2, no = 3:5),
  regex = "Not all.+yes",
  label = "check_eqlength didn't error with unequal-lengthed vectors"
testthat::expect_true(ss3sim:::check_eqlength(yes = 1:2, no = 3:4),
  label = "check_eqlength didn't return TRUE."
testthat::expect_false(ss3sim:::check_eqlength(yes = 1:2, no = 3:5, keepgoing = TRUE),
  label = "check_eqlength didn't return TRUE."
testthat::expect_true(ss3sim:::check_eqlength(yes = NULL, no = NULL),
  label = "check-eqlength didn't return TRUE for all NULLs"
# }