Get results for 1 iteration

get_results_iter(dir_1_iter = NULL, mod_dirs = NULL, iter_name = NULL)



The full or relative path to the Stock Synthesis iteration folder. Assumed to contain multiple model folders that contain "om" or "em" (not case sensitive) somewhere in the model file name. If specified, mod_dirs need not be specified.


The full or relative path to the Stock Synthesis model folders as a vector of characters. If specified, dir_1_iter need not be specified.


Name of the iteration, which will be appended to the dataframes . Defaults to NULL, in which case the iter_name will be the folder name of dir_1_iter or the folder name 1 level up from the first mod_dirs specified


A list of 3 data frames called scalar, timeseries, and derived (for derived quantities). These lists contain information for multiple model runs (estimation models and operating models) for 1 iteration.


Kathryn L. Doering