Create new catch-per-unit-effort (CPUE)/indices of abundance that are based on the numbers in a data file. Typically the data file will be filled with expected values rather than observed data but it does not have to be. Sampling can only occur on fleets, years, and seasons that have current observations. If rows of information are not sampled from, then they are removed. So, you can take away rows of data but you cannot add them with this function.

  outfile = lifecycle::deprecated(),
  sds_obs = list(0.01),
  seas = list(1)



A Stock Synthesis data list returned from r4ss::SS_readdat(). Typically, this will be read from a file that contains expected values rather than input values but any Stock Synthesis data file is fine.


A deprecated argument.


An integer vector specifying which fleets to sample from. The order of the fleets matters here because you must retain the ordering for all of the remaining input arguments. For example, both fleets = c(1, 2) and fleets = c(2, 1) will work but years will expect the years you want sampled for fleet 2 to be in the second position in the list in the former and the first position in the latter case. So, if you change the order of your input, you will also have to modify all of the remaining arguments. An entry of fleets = NULL will lead to no CPUE samples in the returned object.


A list the same length as fleets specifying the years you want samples from. There must be an integer vector in the list for every fleet specified in fleets. The function assumes that the information for the first fleet specified in fleets will be the first object in the list and so on so order matters here.

sds_obs, sds_out, seas

A list the same length as fleets specifying the standard deviation of the observation error used for the sampling; the standard deviation of the observation error you would like listed in the returned output, which might not always equal what was actually used for sampling; and the seasons you want to sample from. Each list element should contain a single numeric value or a vector, where vectors need to match the structure of years for the relevant fleet. If single values are passed, then, internally, they will be repeated for each year. If you want to repeat a single value for every year and fleet combination, then just pass it as a list with one entry, e.g., seas = list(1) will sample from season one for all fleets and years --- this is the default for season. The default for sds_obs is 0.01 and if sds_out is missing, then sds_obs will be used for the output as well as the input.


A Stock Synthesis data file list object is returned. The object will be a modified version of dat_list.


Limitations to the functionality of this function are as follows:

  • you can only generate observations from rows of data that are present, e.g., you cannot make a new observation for a year that is not present in the passed data file;

  • no warning will be given if some of the desired year, seas, fleet combinations are available but not all, instead just the combinations that are available will be returned in the data list object; and

  • sampling uses a log-normal distribution when the log-normal distribution is specified in CPUEinfo[["Errtype"]] and a normal distribution for all other error types, see below for details on the log-normal sampling.

Samples are generated using the following equation when the log-normal distribution is specified: $$ B_y*exp(stats::rnorm(1, 0, sds_obs)-sds_obs^2/2) $$, where \(B_y\) is the expected biomass in year y and \(sds_obs\) is the standard deviation of the normally distributed biomass or the standard error of the \(log_e(B_y)\). For the error term, this is the same parameterization that is used in Stock Synthesis. More details can be found in the section on indices in the Stock Synthesis manual The second term in the equation adjusts the random samples so their expected value is \(B_y\), i.e., the log-normal bias correction.

If you only know the coefficient of variation (\(CV\)), then the input error can be approximated using \(\sqrt{log_e(1+CV^{2})}\). Where, \(CV\) is assumed to be constant with mean changes in biomass. The log-normal distribution can be approximated by a proportional distribution or normal distribution only when the variance is low, i.e., \(CV < 0.50\) or log standard deviation of 0.22.


Cole Monnahan, Kotaro Ono


# Add a list from [r4ss::SS_readdat()] to your workspace, this is example
# data that is saved in the ss3sim package.
# Index data are saved in `dat_list[["CPUE"]]`
dat_list <- r4ss::SS_readdat(
  file = file.path(
    system.file("extdata", "example-om", package = "ss3sim"),
  verbose = FALSE

# \dontshow{
# }
# Sample from each available year from fleet 2 with an increasing trend in
# the observation error, i.e., the most recent year has the highest
# likelihood to be the furthest from the input data
ex1 <- sample_index(
  outfile = NULL,
  fleets = 2,
  seas = list(
    dat_list[["CPUE"]][dat_list[["CPUE"]][, "index"] == 2, "seas"]
  years = list(dat_list[["CPUE"]][["year"]]),
  sds_obs = list(
    seq(0.001, 0.1, length.out = length(dat_list[["CPUE"]][["year"]]))
#> Warning: The `outfile` argument of `sample_index()` is deprecated as of ss3sim 1.20.1.
#>  Please save the returned output using `r4ss::SS_writedat()`
# \dontshow{
# Test to see if example 1 gives the values expected for 76 and 78
  ex1[["CPUE"]][1:2, "obs"],
  c(1472202421, 1554321845)
# }

if (FALSE) {
# Sample from less years, note that sampling from more years than what is
# present in the data will not work
ex2 <- sample_index(dat_list,
  outfile = NULL,
  fleets = 2,
  seas = list(unique(
    dat_list[["CPUE"]][dat_list[["CPUE"]][, "index"] == 2, "seas"]
  years = list(dat_list[["CPUE"]][["year"]][-c(1:2)]),
  sds_obs = list(0.001)

# sd in the returned file can be different than what is used to sample, this
# is helpful when you want to test what would happen if the estimation method
# was improperly specified
ex3 <- sample_index(
  dat_list = dat_list,
  fleets = 2,
  seas = list(unique(
    dat_list[["CPUE"]][dat_list[["CPUE"]][, "index"] == 2, "seas"]
  years = list(dat_list[["CPUE"]][["year"]]),
  sds_obs = list(0.01),
  sds_out = list(0.20)
# Sample from two fleets after adding fake CPUE data for fleet 1
dat_list2 <- dat_list
dat_list2[["CPUE"]] <- rbind(
  dat_list[["CPUE"]] |>
    dplyr::mutate(index = 1, seas = 1)
dat_list2[["N_cpue"]] <- NROW(dat_list2[["CPUE"]])
ex4 <- sample_index(
  dat_list = dat_list2,
  fleets = 1:2,
  seas = list(1, 7),
  # Subset two years from each fleet
  years = list(c(76, 78), c(80, 82)),
  # Use the same sd values for both fleets
  sds_obs = list(0.01),
  sds_out = list(0.20)