Sometimes, users will want to pass a single input instead of fleet-specific information to make things easier to keep track of for the user. get_fleet copies this single object over to all fleets for a given sampling type.




A data frame of scenario information that was passed to setup_scenarios() and as subsequently been passed to this function as a long data frame rather than a wide data frame.


An augmented data frame is returned in the same form as the input data. The new rows correspond to parsing input arguments out across all fleets that are sampled when a single input value is provided.


In the data frame that stores scenario-specific information by row, columns are fleet-specific with the fleet denoted after the last full stop. If this terminal full stop followed by a numerical value is not supplied, then the value will be copied for all fleets. For example, sa.Nsamp.1 specifies the sample size for age-composition data for fleet number one. Whereas, sa.Nsamp specifies the input sample-size for all fleets.

A todo list for future features is as follows:

  • remove fleets that have NA

  • allow for arguments rather than hardwiring arg and fleet

  • see if sa.Nsamp and sa.Nsamp.1 can be in the same data frame and just fill in the value for fleets that aren't specified; would need to fill up and down I think within a group to make it work.

  • accomodate -999 in sample function cpar arguments

  • create add_args to fill in missing arguments across fleets

  • implement add_args before expand fleet such that the new arg would be expanded for all fleets but I only have to specify the default one time

  • fix .data[[""]] to pass CRAN x <- enquo(x) y <- enquo(y) ggplot(data) + geom_point(aes(!!x, !!y))


Kelli F. Johnson